So, I feel like we’ve been seeing each other a while now, and it’s time to take the next step in our relationship. We know what each other does for a living and that we are moms, but what about the other parts of our lives? This is my Getting To Know You Post!
(I hope that Deborah Kerr’s voice is echoing in your head. If you don’t know who that is, or what movie this blog post title is from, google it now please. I’ll wait.)
I found these questions on a few different sites that offered ideas to get to know yourself (or your partner) better. It was fun to break up the rhythm of typical days with some interesting and off-beat topics! I answered these questions honestly and openly, in hopes that you will get to know the real ‘me’ a bit more than what you can decipher through my verbose lines of text each week. (The sources are cited at the bottom.)
I hope you enjoy my “interview!” The last few questions make me chuckle…
Getting to Know ‘Me‘
Is what you’re doing now what you always wanted to do growing up? Yes. I had a detour or two over the years, but I always knew I was a teacher at heart.
Are you comfortable or uncomfortable in a disorderly environment? Uncomfortable. I hate disorder-that’s why half of this blog is dedicated to routines of some kind!
Do you work constantly? or think you should be working? Yes. And yes. I am always working, either physically or mentally. I’m always thinking about working.
Do you embrace rules or flout rules? I am a rule follower 🙂 Except when it comes to dumb rules, like yellow lights.
Do you work well under pressure? Yes. I used to work at a hospital rehab center and was the first person on the scene for the only 2 codes we had during my 2 years there. (both people successfully resuscitated!) I surprised myself but it proved I was good under pressure!
Are you a morning person or a night person? MORNING!
What’s more satisfying to you: saving time or saving money? Oddly enough, time. It’s close, for sure, but I really value efficiency.
Do you like to be in the spotlight? Yes, I don’t mind it. I don’t necessarily seek it out, but if I get it, I’m good!
What’s your favorite book/movie of all time and why did it speak to you so much? Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption by Laura Hillenbrand. My grandfather was in WWII, and he was the man I was closest to growing up. We had a wonderful relationship that I will always treasure. This book put me in awe, even more, of his accomplished life.
Are you more into looks or brains? Brains, hands down, but I lucked out and found a man with both!
Would you ever take back someone who cheated? No, I do not think I would ever stop thinking about it, I would resent the humility of being lied to openly, and I would always wonder about it happening again. (Also, I like to joke about a level of “redneck crazy” that would come out if it ever occurred!)
If you are in a bad mood, do you prefer to be left alone or have someone to cheer you up? Left alone!
Are you confrontational? Not until I am, then God help us all.
What’s the one thing that people always misunderstand about you? Everyone has a story, and mine may surprise you. I smile a lot and wear a lot of pink and high heels, but that doesn’t mean I lack depth and intelligence.
What really makes you angry? Bad grammar!

saved from The 828

saved from BabyCenterCommunity

Book Bub blog
What is your favorite thing about your career? The rolly chair! (At least, that’s what I tell the students) Haha I’m kidding! I love having the ability to teach children who are struggling and/or are more “difficult” to teach than the average kid. It makes me work harder than I think I can, and the reward is all the more satisfying when that light bulb finally turns on!
What is your biggest complaint about your job? That people who have not been in a classroom for years (if ever!) are making laws/creating mandates/purchasing curriculum and they have no idea the realities of implementing them.
What kitchen appliance do you use every day? Uh, hellooo? The coffee maker!
What do you do to keep fit? I run almost every morning, or bike. I love yoga and have recently added a few crossfit-style interval workouts to the mix. I have to balance my wine intake somehow.
If you had a warning label, what would yours say? Do Not Ask About Teaching Unless You Have 45 Minutes to Kill! (I might like to talk about my job.)
Who was your first crush? You won’t know who he is, because you are alive NOW and not 1930, but it was Errol Flynn. I was pretty disappointed when I grew up and learned he was kind of an a**hole. Again, please Google now. I’ll wait.
On a scale of 1-10 how funny would you say you are? I’d say a solid 7, but you have to like a dry, sarcastic (and dare I say, smart?) sense of humor.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Hopefully still in classroom A-29, teaching inclusion just like I am now 🙂 I love it!
What was your first job? At 14 I began working at an old -fashioned General Store. I dressed the part and everything-sold penny candy, glass-bottled milk from the local dairy, and knew the local history by heart!
If you could join any past or current music group which would you want to join? Either the Andrews Sisters or the Spice Girls- depends on my mood.
If you had to describe yourself as an animal, which one would it be? Well, my husband would say a seagull (there’s a story there), but I would have to go with squirrel- I’m always busy, I snack on trail mix all day, I have terrible depth perception (hello roadkill) and I’m pretty cute from a distance. (and I don’t have a bushy tail but my hair is pretty big)
What is one thing you will never do again? Ask my husband what animal I would be described as.
Who knows you the best? Despite his animal responses, my husband. And my mom.
So what do you say, second date? I hope you enjoyed getting to know me a bit better. I would LOVE to get to know YOU a bit better as well!
Please choose a few questions that you liked from above and answer in the comments below! I have asked my husband a few about himself, and it has been interesting to hear each other’s responses. It is good to ask some introspective questions every now and again. Sometimes you need a little reminder of who you REALLY are.
But a true and honest thought
That if you become a teacher
By your pupils you’ll be taught
You’ll forgive me if I boast
And I’ve now become an expert
On the subject I like most
Getting to know all about you
Getting to like you
Getting to hope you like me
Putting it my way
But nicely
You are precisely
My cup of tea
Getting to know all about you
Getting to like you
Getting to hope you like me
Putting it my way
But nicely
You are precisely
Getting to feel free and easy
When I am with you
Getting to know what to say
Suddenly I’m bright and breezy?
Because of all the beautiful and new
Things I’m learning about you
Day by day
Sources for Questions in this Post:
That was fun to read! Although I did know most of your answers already!
Love you!
Such a cute Q&A! Love getting to know people through honest answers on posts like this!
Hehe I am glad you enjoyed it! This was funny to write, just a fun way to get to know each other better!
we would be friends lol shared
How fun! I’m a teacher, too, so I know this life! Thanks so much for sharing. If I were an animal, I would be a lemur. Seriously considering options, but fun-loving, too!
Hahaha that’s too funny! I do love a lemur 🙂 it’s great to meet fellow teacher Moms! You certainly understand the life, don’t you?
The spice girls?? Love that. I wish I was a morning person BTW. But I love these kinds of posts, getting to know bloggers more personally.
Hehe I love them still! I wasn’t sure about this post, but I always enjoy when other bloggers open up more, so I thought I’d give it a go 🙂
The grammar memes are too much, especially the one with the grump cat ?
Hehe I love them! Seriously, though… editing is one of my favorite hobbies. It’s sad, but true! 🙂
So, I think we are sisters from a different mister! ? The grammar memes are hysterical, and you sound like you would be a lot of fun to work with!
Haha well I happen to think I’m a hoot and a half, but I’m sure not everyone would agree. 🙂 If you like my grammar humor, I think we would be fast friends!
When I eat a snack during the day, my students always tell me they want to eat too…I tell them that’s my favorite part of being a teacher 🙂
I love teaching inclusion. They want to learn
Haha I love it! They do keep our days interesting, don’t they??