Thank You!
I wish that I were a better writer so that I could more accurately convey to you all the overwhelming gratitude I am feeling on my nomination for the Blogger Recognition Award!
Maybe it’s because it’s Back-to-School week, maybe it’s the barometric pressure (hello Irma), but I just cannot seem to say this any better than, “thank you, thank you, thank you!” I am so excited and shocked and thankful for this recognition.
When I saw that I was tagged in Heather Brandon’s facebook post, I kept re-reading it to be sure I understood what it was saying! I have been reading her blog for a while now, but I had no idea she was reading mine! Heather is a mom of 3, two of which have PKU. I am not going to tell you what that is because I’d like you to go and find out for yourself on her site! But, if you’ve ever read the back of a diet soda can, it may ring a bell… anyway in addition to her information on PKU, she has a TON of awesome ideas about balancing mommy-hood with a busy life! One of my favorite posts of hers is this hilarious take on diaper changing . Go check her out!
My Story
I began blogging because I love to write (and read), and I decided that I needed a creative outlet outside of teaching that allowed me to express some things that needed to get out. After the birth of my daughter it was difficult for me to balance my career with my new role. Not for the typical reason of wanting to stay home (although that would have been nice!) but because I REALLY LOVE my job! And teaching requires so much of your working heart and mind that I felt a constant guilt- I either wasn’t giving 100% to my baby or I wasn’t giving 100% to my class.
Through the first year I found a balance AND found ways to set up my classroom to support my “mommy” role-i.e. become more efficient! First Belle was a way for me to share what I had learned, as well as express my feelings and share my stories along the way. It has since evolved into more of a teaching resource than anything else, and I am a-ok with that!
Blogging Tips
- Hands down the best tip I have learned is: less thinking, more doing! Stop over-analyzing! You’re going to screw up here and there, but it’s totally fine. You’re a human! Just put yourself out there and DO IT!
- Monitor and Adjust: Don’t be afraid to change things up if something isn’t working for you. Or, as in my case, you realize that your focus should be on something else! This is YOUR space, make it truly about your passions and the rest will follow.
- Find your own voice. I tried writing in a style that is popular, but definitely not “my own” and it fell flat. Not to mention it feels inauthentic and weird. Be YOU, speak to your audience in your own voice. Not everyone will appreciate it, but the ones who matter-who you are trying to resonate with, WILL get you and love you for it!
The fun part! Do not pass GO, do not collect $200- go directly to these websites and check out the incredible things they are doing. Each one has either motivated me, inspired me, or resonated with me in some way. I know you’ll enjoy them as much as I do!
Lessons and Learning for Littles
Each of these blogs brings a unique perspective to life, crafting, teaching, or parenting that I truly enjoy reading each week! Keep this going by sharing your blog story, giving some blogging advice, and then nominating another 10 blogs that you truly love!
Enjoy, and thank you!
Thank you SO much!!! What a great way to start my day! And congratulations! Well deserved!!
You deserve it!